Whole And Powder

Category: Coriander
Coriander is an herb that’s commonly used to flavor international dishes.
It comes from the Coriandrum sativum plant and is related to parsley, carrots, and celery.
In the United States, Coriandrum sativum seeds are called coriander, while its leaves are called cilantro. In other parts of the world, they’re called coriander seeds and coriander leaves. The plant is also known as Chinese parsley.
coriander eagle machine clean quality specifications
Moisture8% to 10%
AdMixture 0.5% to 1%
Spilit1% to 3 %
Coriander egale Plus Sortex Quality Specification
Moisture8% to 10%
AdMixture 0.5% to 1%
CleaningMachine Sortex
Spilit1% to 3 %
Coriander Scooter Quality Specification
Purity98% To 99 %
Moisture8% to 10%
AdMixture 0.00%
CleaningMachine And Sortex
Spilit1% to 3 %
Coriander Singel Parrot Quality Specification
Purity98% To 99 %
Moisture8% to 10%
AdMixture 0.00%
CleaningMachine And Sortex
Spilit1% to 3 %
Coriander Double Parrot Quality Specification
Purity98% To 99 %
Moisture8% to 10%
AdMixture 0.00%
CleaningMachine And Sortex
Spilit1% to 3 %

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